Year 9 Languages Induction Program: The benefits of being multilingual

At Mac.Rob, we are privileged to be able to offer classes in four different Languages: Indonesian, German, Japanese and French. As a Language faculty, we are passionate about helping our students understand how beneficial it is to learn and know a second language, and honouring the rich diversity of our already multilingual students. Each year, to help induct our new language students in Year 9, students partake in the MacRob Languages induction program.

Through a series of in class activities, facilitated by teachers across the first few weeks of language classes in Year 9, students engaged in reflection, critical thinking and discussion about the benefits and challenges of learning a foreign language. The aim of the program is to help students develop an appreciation for the skills, attributes and intercultural understanding the study of a foreign language can bring, regardless of which language it is they are learning.

To conclude the induction program, the students produce a research poster showcasing their learning about the benefits of being multilingual for a year level wide competition. With each connect class voting to submit the most impressive poster from those groups in their class for the competition and privilege of being displayed around the school. Stay tuned for the results in the coming weeks!

To help provide some insights into the Languages induction program we have some student reflections about their learning experience: 

“To begin the Yr 9 Japanese classes at Mac.Rob, we split into groups and put together language promotion posters showcasing the various benefits of being bilingual. During this time, we researched many areas of cognitive, educational, and interpersonal benefits of learning a second language. This immensely helped us develop a deeper understanding of how being bilingual can affect people. After we had finished our research, our class as a whole did a combined “gallery walk”, and voted on which poster best highlighted key information about the benefits of being bilingual. Overall, it was really interesting to discover how being bilingual can affect so many aspects of our lives.”

Mirnaali K, Natalie S and Aadhya S, 9A 

“Learning a second language is such an important life skill that everyone should have, because it means that you’ll be able to study or work overseas in places that don’t speak English, which can be a fulfilling and invaluable way to gain new knowledge and have more opportunities to extend yourself personally and professionally. Learning about a country’s culture is one thing, but being able to visit a place, and converse with and understand the locals allows you to meet new people and fully embrace their traditions first-hand, something that textbooks or the internet can’t provide. As a bonus, it’s even proven that learning a new language can improve your memory, enhance your ability to multitask, improve your decision-making skills, and teach your brain to cope with problems, patterns, and complexity, which are all incredibly important life skills!”

Mandy, 9B

“An unlikely group, selected arbitrarily; given little time; on a prevalent topic. Nonetheless, we came through strongly. Currently succeeding forward, into the next stage of competition. Looking back, we realised that we thank ‘pressure’ for shaping our poster. Ultimately, we collaborated on our ideas. These ideas, originally dot points, were shaped into paragraphs and before we knew it we had a poster, with visuals in addition! We learnt a valuable lesson in terms of time management and prioritisation. Furthermore, successful cooperation is something we’ll definitely call on in future. Certain benefits of language learning did come as a surprise, although it was mainly the statistics that were revealing in this sense. We were able to connect and get to know each other more, however only in terms of what was relevant to the topic. Need we not forget that we all grasped the fact that ‘learning a second language comes with immense benefits’.”

Naysha, Harini, Musarrat, Rachel and Julia, 9G 

Want an insight into the benefits of being multilingual? See some great TED talks the students viewed as part of the induction program: 

Languages Clubs @MacRob - Interested in engaging more deeply with the Language you’re studying? Looking for like minded students and additional languages fun outside of class? Keep your eyes peeled for the Language clubs starting soon! 

Ashlea Douglas | Domain Leader for Languages


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