Enrol at Mac.Rob

How to enrol at Mac.Rob.

Mac.Rob is a government public school for academically gifted and high-achieving students in Years 9 to 12. We do not accept students in Years 7 or 8. As a selective entry school, Mac.Rob is not zoned; we accept students who are Australian or New Zealand citizens (or who hold a visa or ImmiCard), provided they have successfully applied for and completed the Selective Entry Examination. Fee-paying international students enrolled in Victorian schools are not eligible to apply.

For more information about who can and cannot enrol at Mac.Rob, please click here.

As a public school administered and funded by the Victorian Government and DET, we do not charge annual tuition fees. However, we do rely on and request annual voluntary contributions through our Parent Payment Policy.

Enrolling at Mac.Rob is not the same as a normal government state school, and involves a series of steps for students to be accepted. These steps are the same for all students who wish to apply at Mac.Rob.

Step 1.

Attend a school tour. School tours are a great way to experience our school in action, to speak with current students and staff, and to see what our learning environment is like. If you live outside of the CBD, we recommend families travel to their school tour via public transport to better understand the sort of commute their child may take each day to and from school.

School tours are available from the beginning of Term 1 up until exam applications close. We encourage families to book early to avoid disappointment, as tours fill fast and we cannot guarantee that new tours will be added to the schedule to meet demand.

To book a school tour, please click here.

Step 2.

Attend the Enrolment Information Night. This event is held in Term 1 each year and is an opportunity for families thinking of enrolling at Mac.Rob to visit our school, hear more about our teaching and learning approach from school leaders, and meet current students to learn more about their experiences.

If you think you may be unable to attend a school tour in Term 2, the Enrolment Information Night is an invaluable opportunity to visit our school, and we encourage you to attend prior to registering for the entrance examination.

A recording of our annual Enrolment Information Night is now available for families looking to enrol at Mac.Rob in 2026. This recording is an invaluable opportunity to learn more about our school and the programs we offer, and to hear from current student speakers.

Step 3.

Apply to sit the entrance examination. If you wish your child to be considered for enrolment at Mac.Rob in Years 9, 10, or 11, they must first register to sit the entrance examination, which is held in the year prior to enrolling. For example, if you wished your child to enrol in 2026, they would need to sit the entrance exam in 2025.

The entrance examination tests students on a variety of subjects and skills, and is used to determine their suitability for a selective-entry learning environment. The examinations are conducted by ACER (Year 9) and EduTest (Years 10 and 11). Please note that we do not accept enrolments at Year 12 level. To learn more about the different entrance exams, please click here for Year 9, and here for Years 10 and 11.

Step 4.

Sit the entrance exam. Students sit the entrance examination in June for enrolment in the following year. The Year 9 entrance exam takes place at various locations around Melbourne, and families will be notified of their testing location, which is based on proximity to their home. The Year 10 and 11 examination takes place at Mac.Rob.

Both exams are administered by external assessors, and Mac.Rob does not have any influence in the administration, assessment, or outcome of exams. We encourage families to contact the individual exam providers for more information about them.

Enrolment for Years 10 and 11 is also based on a separate application and interview process. More information about this will be provided to families once their application has been received.

Step 5.

See if you receive an offer. Students that successfully complete the entrance examination and rank in the top percentile may be offered a place at Mac.Rob (or another of the selective entry schools, if they had other preferences). Offers for Year 9 are made based on the school preferences each student nominates when applying for enrolment. Offers for Years 10 and 11 are based on the outcome of the entrance exam, as well as an interview with school leaders.

We accept 300 students at Year 9 level each year. For Years 10 and 11, we only accept as many students as we have places available (generally 10 to 20). This number depends on how many students have exited the school; total place numbers vary year to year. In some years, there may be only 1 or 2, or none.

Offers are made in rounds, and the number of offers accepted in the preceding round affects the total number of offers made in subsequent rounds.

For example, Round 1 offers for Year 9 will have 300 offers, of which 250 are accepted. Round 2 will therefore have 50 offers.

Offers are made over multiple weeks (starting in July and running through to October), and conclude when all available places have been filled. It is not unusual for families to receive offers at any point during this timescale, and we encourage families to be patient when waiting to hear if they’ve been successful or not.

To learn more about the Year 9 exam application process, including the full range of eligibility requirements and discretionary categories, please visit the ACER website.


Year 9 Enrolment.

Applications for Year 9 enrolment in 2026 are now open.

To apply, please click here.

Applications to sit the entrance exam will be accepted from February to May. There is no limit to the number of students who may sit the exam.


Please be aware that enrolments for Year 9 in 2025 are now closed. We cannot further accept enrolments for 2025.

The Year 9 entrance examination is administered by ACER. For questions about the exam, please contact ACER on 03 9277 5270 or via email: sehs@acer.org.

To visit the ACER Selective Entry website, click here.

Year 10 and 11 Enrolment.

Applications for Year 10 and 11 enrolment in 2026 are now open.

To apply, please click here.


Please be aware that enrolments for Year 10 and 11 in 2025 are now closed. We cannot further accept enrolments for 2025.

The Year 10 and 11 entrance examination is administered by EduTest. For questions about the exam, please contact EduTest on 03 9014 1411 or via email: info@edutest.com.au.

Important Dates.

All exam applications for 2026 open.

March 20th:
Enrolment Information Night.

May 2nd: Year 9 applications close for 2026.
May 30th: Year 10-11 application close for 2026.

June 14th: Year 9 entrance exam held (various locations).
June 16th: Year 10 and 11 entrance exam held (Mac.Rob).

Offers process. This proceeds in rounds.

Exam outcome reports sent to all families.

Book a tour.

All families considering enrolling at Mac.Rob are strongly encouraged to attend a school tour prior to applying.

Tours are offered on a fixed schedule, and have limited capacity. Please check the tour booking page regularly for new tour listings and vacancies.

Enrolment Information Night.

A recording of our annual Enrolment Information Night is now available for families looking to enrol at Mac.Rob in 2026. This recording is an invaluable opportunity to learn more about our school and the programs we offer, and to hear from current student speakers. All students looking to enrol at Mac.Rob in 2026 are encouraged to watch the recording of this event.