Year 12 Chemistry - Fossil or Biofuels?

Today’s the day of the greatly anticipated Chemistry Fuel Debate, and class has just started! In this collaborative activity, we students spent time in groups of three researching and preparing arguments for our allocated fuel type as well as creating potential rebuttals for their opponents fuel. After that, it was game on! The teacher takes a step back, and we, the students, take our places at the front of the classroom to battle it out. 

We were given the opportunity to research and debate upon why our selected fuel was better than the alternative. Petrodiesel vs biodiesel; petroleum vs E10; coal seam gas vs biogas and last but not least, coal vs hydrogen fuel cells. 

In our research, we were tasked with carefully evaluating our allocated fuel’s renewability, energy content and environmental impacts associated with sourcing and combustion. In doing so, we were challenged not only in considering the chemical composition of the fuel, but also in adventuring into the realm of cost and practical application in the real world. After researching recent and relevant information, weighing up both the pros and the cons of the fuel and brainstorming potential rebuttals, we brought that all together to craft three objective and scientifically sound arguments, ready to debate!

After all the competitive debates of our classmates, we realised that each fuel choice is governed by a variety of contributing factors, and as such, no fuel choice can be absolutely perfect! Overall, it was truly an eye opening experience to put ourselves in the shoes of decision makers and we truly enjoyed the experience!

Jessica & Melani, VCE Chemistry Students


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