VCE Theatre Excursion

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Students from VCE Theatre Studies, as well as some members of the Stage Crew from Melbourne High School and Mac.Rob, were privileged to attend a backstage tour of the State Theatre at the Arts Centre Melbourne. The excursion was organised by Mr. Angus Grant from Melbourne High School, who is connected to Opera Australia. The tour was very inspiring, highlighting the fact that a professional career is possible to all students, both on-stage or backstage. A highlight for all involved was lying down on the State Theatre stage, looking up into the fly-tower and imagining the magic that occurs during enormous opera productions!

Live performance is one of Mac.Rob’s strengths, and we are extremely proud of the actors, musicians, designers, and stage crew that demonstrate outstanding talent and leadership in live events throughout the year. Through opportunities such as these with MTC, we aim to inspire our high-achieving students to succeed across a wide range of artistic practices, professions, and disciplines, and encourage them to pursue available to them as part of their tertiary study.

Edgar Wegner, VCE Theatre Studies Teacher


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