Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh Program 2021 was definitely an unforgettable experience. Throughout Term 1 and 2, we learned the essential skills we needed for camping out in the real world. We learned about minimal impact, safety procedures, first aid, and camp craft skills such as setting up tents and camp cooking.

To help advance in our journey, the other skills required for the camp were qualities such as leadership, organisation, and communication. We set out our itinerary for camp by brainstorming together as a class. This included researching our camp location, the specific dates, the mountain to climb, and some fun activities. It’s safe to say that the camp was indeed a one-of-a-kind experience!

We left school on May 19th and returned on the 21st. On the first day, we set up camp and were introduced to the wildlife of Wilsons Prom. The wildlife was filled with dozens of ‘friendly’ parrots and birds who were apparently very hungry, and one particular kookaburra had the honour of sharing a sandwich with Ms. Hampson! At night the wombats struck. When one group of students went to their tent, they found some holes in it, some spilt chocolate milk on the floor, and a mysterious paw print on their sleeping mat! It was also discovered that our little friend had visited four other tents throughout our stay. Luckily everyone lived to tell the tale!

We visited Norman Beach and Squeaky Beach, where we played games such as beach volleyball and cricket, made sand-people, and also climbed into some of the cool natural crevices that the beach had to offer. We also had an experience where we all had a mini panic attack as we thought one of our group members went missing!(Turns out she fell in the water whilst she was on her way to the toilet.)

On the last day we had to say goodbye to our campsite. We left on a fun and positive note by trying something new, including conquered our fears of height by abseiling! 

Overall, we made amazing memories and friendships that will last us a lifetime.

Ruth Smith, Duke of Ed Coordinator


VCE Theatre Excursion


House Week 2021