ABC Takeover Incursion


A few weeks ago, I went to a “Takeover Melbourne Workshop” created by Ms. Shamoail and Year 10 student, Anjali. At first, I didn't know what Takeover was. After a quick Google search, I found out that Takeover was a competition based in Melbourne, organised by the ABC! Kids who apply have the chance to transform their personal story into a movie or an article, or even have it played on the ABC radio. I thought it would be a great idea to go, so I went along.

The whole workshop was inspirational! It helped me define what the competition actually was. Takeover Melbourne was not just a competition but a healthy and powerful platform for young adults to be heard and share a personal but life-changing story in their life. All in all, it was a great opportunity to hear about the competition from a former winner, and a wonderful experience. Thanks, Ms. Shamoail and Anjali, for organising the incursion!

Sahana, Year 9


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