Support Mac.Rob: Boundary Fence Project

We are excited to announce that after a significant investment of time and much hard work, Mac.Rob has secured all of the necessary approvals to proceed with the construction of a new boundary fence. Given our school’s proximity to Kings Way, one of Melbourne’s busiest roads, and the publicly-accessible Albert Park Lake, golf course, and sports centres, a boundary fence is long overdue. All we need now is to raise the $60,000 required to complete it.

As we approach the end of the financial year, we are asking our families, if they are able, to make a tax-deductible donation to our Building Fund, so that we can proceed with building the boundary fence as soon as possible.

We know that times are tough for many families at the moment, so we are only asking you to consider donating if you’re in a position to do so.

Many of our school’s facilities and resources are a direct result of our community’s contributions. One such area is the Library and student study space. Since we opened the Library Fund in 2022, our community has raised approximately $160,000, of which approximately $40,000 has already been spent on furniture and resources. We would like to sincerely thank the many parents who have donated to the Library Fund so far - your generosity has greatly enhanced the comfort and study ability of our students.

We would also like to thank the Mac.Rob parents and community members who have donated to the Boundary Fence Project so far. We have made a big dent in our fundraising target, but your support is still needed. Donations made before the end of this financial year can be claimed on your tax return for FY23-24, while donations made after June 30th can be claimed in 2025.

If you have the capacity to help us with a tax-deductible donation to the Mac.Rob Building Fund, now is the time to maximise the impact of your donations, both for yourself and for the school - and of course, for generations of Mac.Robbians to come.


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