Mentoring Program: Multixplex “Jump Start” Program & Umbrella Law

Celebrating the Successful Completion of the Multiplex “Jump Start” Mentoring Program.

A group of Year 11 students concluded a mentoring program at Multiplex. This unique initiative was designed to provide female and gender-diverse high-school students with a comprehensive view of the construction industry and the diverse career opportunities it offers.

The program, meticulously structured over two months, featured a series of interactive, discipline-based workshops, engaging panel discussions, insightful site walks, and invaluable mentoring sessions. These activities aimed to expose students to various facets of the construction industry, fostering a deeper understanding and interest in the field.

The highlight of the program was the introduction to the built environment. Industry professionals delivered enlightening presentations on key concepts and provided a glimpse into their daily lives within the industry. The students were then engaged in an interactive activity, collaborating with peers from different schools and Multiplex staff. This hands-on experience helped them grasp the foundational elements of the construction industry while building essential teamwork skills.

Each workshop was designed not just to inform but to actively involve the students. The interactive activities encouraged them to collaborate, converse, and build connections with their peers and industry professionals. These sessions were instrumental in breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support among participants.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Multiplex for their dedication and commitment to nurturing the next generation of female and gender-diverse professionals in the construction industry. The success of this program underscores the importance of such initiatives in empowering our students and shaping a more inclusive and diverse industry landscape.

We look forward to seeing our students apply the insights and skills they have gained from this program in their future endeavors. The foundation laid by the Multiplex Jump Start mentoring program will undoubtedly serve as a stepping stone toward their success in the dynamic and rewarding field of construction.

Umbrella Law Mentoring Program: A Successful First Run

We are happy to share the success of our inaugural Umbrella Law Mentoring Program, an enriching opportunity for a select group of Year 11 students to be mentored by a team of experienced lawyers. This program aimed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of the legal profession, including life in a law firm, family law, and the intricacies of running and marketing a small business.

Program Highlights

Throughout the program, students delved into a variety of topics such as:

  • The Basics of the Legal System in Victoria and Australia: Students gained foundational knowledge about how the legal systems operate both locally and nationally.

  • Studying Law at University in Victoria: Insights into the academic path, expectations, and opportunities for studying law.

  • Areas of Law: An overview of different legal fields, helping students to understand the diverse career paths within the legal profession.

  • Family Law: Basics of family law, providing a glimpse into the sensitive and essential area of legal practice.

  • Social Media Marketing: Basics of leveraging social media for marketing purposes, an essential skill for modern businesses.

  • Firm Operations: A comprehensive look at how a law firm functions, covering everything from reception duties to accounting.

Hands-On Experience

As part of the sessions, students were assigned a project aimed at educating young people about legal topics. Each subsequent session was dedicated to supporting the development and execution of these projects. The program culminated last Thursday with the students presenting their final projects, which were nothing short of impressive.

The students showcased their creativity and hard work through three distinct presentations:

  • A Podcast: An engaging audio series discussing various legal topics and their relevance to young people.

  • An Instagram Blog: A visually appealing and informative social media account aimed at raising legal awareness among peers.

  • A Story with Pictures - “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”: A unique and entertaining narrative, creatively illustrating legal concepts in a relatable manner.

The dedication and talent displayed by the students made us incredibly proud, and we are excited to see the impact of their work in educating their peers.

Ms. Rehana Ziyad | Community Partnerships Manager


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