Middle School Captain Update

Year Level Boards

Over the semester we have been working closely with the Year 9 and 10 Connect Captains to aid Middle School students in many different ways. A focus for this year was to better utilise the boards around the school. We took this opportunity and have worked with the Year 9 and 10 Connect Captains to transform two of them into Year Level Boards. This initiative aims to keep Middle School and specifically the individual year levels updated on things such as key information, peer birthdays, events in upcoming weeks through a term overview and a section for students to give shoutouts to other students for exemplifying our school values within Mac.Rob and the wider community. These boards seek to increase student engagement and morality through questions of the week and jokes, increase student representation through the photo collage and keep students organised and informed.

Our Focus on Transition

The transition to Mac.Rob is a main focus of the Middle School Team and recently, we have facilitated a focus group with the Year 9 Connect Captains. Through this, we have gained valuable insight into the many ways we can work to improve the transition process here at Mac.Rob. A few areas of improvement include the Transport Buddies Program, Orientation Day and maintaining strong connections between students and their respective Peer Support Leaders. We would like to thank the Year 9 Connect Captains for their amazing input and we look forward to continuously working alongside them and supporting them this year.

VCE/I.B. Video in 2025

Another initiative we recently began working on is a video project explaining the differences between VCE and I.B., as a focus for the Middle School Team is helping students feel confident when stepping into Senior School. This video will hopefully serve as a useful tool for future students to help them understand the difference  between the two diplomas prior to commencing subject selections. 

Chloe L & Claire L, Middle School Captains


Mentoring Program: Multixplex “Jump Start” Program & Umbrella Law


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