Year 9 Camp Reflection

Usually acknowledgements come at the end of a written piece, but I think we need to start with them: Thank you to the amazing team of counsellors at Lord Somers Camp - your excitement and positive spirit made the entire experience something to remember forever! It also goes without saying that the teachers played a massive role in making sure that this camp went smoothly, and that everyone was safe while also having a memorable time!

Activity-wise, many people in Year 9 said SUP or beach games were their favourite activity. We can all agree that they were super fun, and got us all involved, but the ones that brought us closer together were, arguably, even better: The disco, full of dancing with friends, and bonding with lesser-known strangers; and we can't forget about trivia! Whether it was wondering which teacher has climbed what mountain, or each student frantically whispering answers across the table when a question was read out, or lip syncing and dancing with friends to some nostalgic songs, it was undeniably an unforgettable experience.

We’ve also realised the community spirit, sisterhood, and bonds we were able to cultivate during the three days of Year 9 Camp. We made each other’s hair, did each other’s makeup and boosted each other’s confidence before the disco. Every activity we did during camp strengthened our sense of community, one of the central values of Mac.Rob. We worked hard to win the beach olympics, supported one another in the beach games and water sports, and encouraged each other to try our best during trivia, barista training, and screen printing.

After camp, the sense of community was tenfold, whether it be in our smaller groups of friends, our class, or the whole Year level. We’ve become stronger, closer and more connected after camp. It’s almost like we now have a second family, people that will always be there to support us and we can always count on them. We cheer for us all and for each other’s individual achievements. Year 9 Camp was an amazing experience and it will remain as one of the highlights of our high school years here at Mac.Rob. It’s something we won’t ever forget!

Overall, Year 9 Camp contained so much laughter, music and everyone’s enthusiasm to be there each and every day, and solidified our friendships and connections for years to come.

Macey (9E) & Azeen (9K)


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