Principal’s Update | August

Mac.Rob is currently undergoing a transformation, with building works on the ground floor of the Lakeside building and the lecture theatre in the west building well underway. These works will provide us with a new library, eight state of the art and flexible new classrooms, a new Year 12 common room, a lecture theatre that can accommodate a whole year level, and outstanding outdoor learning spaces and landscaping. The works are well underway, with the theatre due to be finished by October and the Lakeside ready for classes at the beginning of 2023. The students and staff are being resilient and flexible, accommodating the scarcity of space while the works are taking place. The Year 12s study space is a marquee in the Rose Garden.

Combined Winter Concert

Mac.Rob continues to be a unique and enriching environment for students to flourish in spite of the continuing challenges of COVID. The combined Winter Concert with Melbourne High School returned in July; we were thrilled to perform at the Melbourne Recital Centre. This was the first Winter Concert since 2019 and students have been learning their instruments online for two years. It was great to see so many past students and music captains attend, and it was great to hear their feedback. They confirmed that the performances were outstanding, noting that the pandemic has not damped the musical achievements of our students.

VCE Premier’s Awards

Another highlight at the beginning of Term 3 has been attending the VCE Premier’s Awards, where eight students received various awards.These awards are for the most outstanding students in particular VCE studies. The 2021 Dux, Lorraine Luo, received a Top All Rounder Award, and an Award for English Language, other recipients include: 

  • Cindy Huynh - Further Maths

  • Kiera Cordner - Psychology

  • Lasya Kondur - English

  • Vidushi Tripathi - English

  • Yenuli Amarasinghe - English

  • Xiao Yu Wang - Biology

  • Crystal Phuong - Vietnamese Second Language

MTC performance of “Laurinda”

Mac.Rob staff are invited to attend a performance of Laurinda, the stage adaptation of former Mac.Robbian Alice Pung's award winning novel.

This is a unique opportunity for all members of our community to participate in a school event together. We hope this event will help us connect staff, students, parents and family members and strengthen our family partnerships. Writer and comedian Diana Nguyen and director Petra Kalive bring Laurinda’s schoolyard setting to the stage for a fresh and feisty new work. Like Heathers or Mean Girls with a uniquely Australian flavour, the production stars Fiona Choi (The Family Law), Gemma Chua-Tran (Netflix's Heartbreak High), Georgina Naidu (Minnie & Liraz), Chi Nguyen (The Wilds), Ngoc Phan (Boy Swallows Universe), Roy Phung (Jasper Jones) and Jenny Zhou (Girl, Interpreted) in an incisive, funny study of a woman caught between cultures and class.

Mac.Rob has been able to reserve a limited number of tickets that can be purchased by staff for the performance on Friday, September 9th. The show starts at 7:30pm and runs for approximately 1 hour 40 minutes (no intermission). MTC has arranged an exclusive discount, just for Mac.Rob: $49 for adults.

If you would like to come, please fill out the EOI form on Compass before 11:59pm, on Wednesday, August 24th.

News from around the grounds

We have worked really hard to build back a strong House culture after the two years of COVID lockdowns.The good, spirited, fierce competition between Houses has resumed. Pleasingly it is a tight competition this year - the spoils are being shared around - Oreads won House Drama, Nereids won House Swimming, Naiads won House Athletics and House Music. Let’s hope Dryads can take out House Lip syncing at the end of this term.

I want to extend my thanks to Ruth Murphy, the Parents Association, Nathan Wood Davies and the student committee who tried valiantly to get the 2022 International Ball off the ground. It was with deep regret that we had to cancel the event. We understand that the ever present threat of COVID and the current economic downturn has impacted the capacity of families and that this meant that we were unable to get sufficient numbers to allow it to run. We will work hard to address these issues and return the Ball to our calendar in 2023. 

We had a wonderful professional learning day with staff on Wednesday, August 10 - as I said to staff on the day, “when staff learn and grow together our students learn and grow together, better!” Our focus was to begin work on collectively building a new school vision and to increase our knowledge on how to effectively differentiate the teaching and learning for students.

We are looking forward to a couple of key events in the coming weeks: 

  1. Book Week celebrations: We want students and staff to dress up in their favourite book characters and participate in a parade. This is during Week 6, 22 - 26 August. 

  2. Parent / Student / Teacher Conferences: Our Parent Student Teacher Conferences (PTSCs) will be held on Tuesday, September 13 and Wednesday, October 5. We would like as many VCE students as possible to make appointments for September 13, so that any feedback can be acted on in the lead up to preparation for exams. 

Thank you to everyone for a great first half of Term 3. 

We are extremely grateful for the hard work, continuous growth and deep sense of community that is apparent in all areas of the school.

Sue Harrap, Principal

Mac.Rob plays a vital and inclusive role as one of Victoria’s selective entry schools by ensuring a sense of connection, belonging, and challenge for like-minded, high-ability students. Our school inspires active engagement, and we trust the capacity of our young people to make meaningful contributions to the school - through collaboration with staff in learning, decision making, and through expansive leadership, co-curricular, and social service opportunities at Mac.Rob.

With your generous support to our Building and Library Funds, we can improve our classrooms, facilities, and school grounds, and ensure Mac.Rob continues to develop curious, motivated, and critical thinkers who show compassion for others, pursue personal growth, demonstrate respect for their community, and explore disciplines and opportunities they are truly passionate about.


VCE Theatre Studies Update | Term 3, 2022


Sports Update: Term 3, 2022