Sports Update: Term 3, 2022

Senior Girls Soccer Regional Competition

On Thursday, July 21st, 2022, Mac.Rob’s senior soccer team showed their might at the Regional Competition. It was a cold day, but sunny. The team assembled early, hours before their first game, and began to train. They accepted the fact that they may be out skilled, out tackled, out dribbled, but they all emphatically agreed that they would not be outworked.

After an invigorating pep talk from their serious, suited, decidedly European coach, Mr. Desmond, they ran onto the pitch to face their first opponent. Known professionally as the Mac.Tildas and personally as the Slay Babes, Mac.Rob was not a team to be trifled with. Their victory was almost instantaneous. Everyone agreed 5:0 was a score to be commended.

Their second game was much more challenging. The opposing team was composed of experienced players who were almost all six feet tall, and before the Mac.Tildas knew it, the score from their previous game had been flipped and they’d lost 5:0. 

Losing is never nice. But in their moment of heartbreak the Mac.Tildas remembered their school values–community, compassion, responsibility and growth–and so there was no blame, or even anger. They ate Oreos, talked about their day and took photos with Mr. Desmond’s polaroid camera, enjoying their last moments together as a team. They knew that they would remember this day, as would the world.

And so, I would like to finish this article with gratitude, not only for my team, but also the coach who made us one. May Mr. Desmond continue to guide future Mac.Tildas/Slay Babes to become not only soccer super stars, but unified, enthusiastic teams.

Tasmin E, Year 12

Intermediate Hockey Inter-School Tournament

On Monday July 25th, Mac.Rob’s intermediate hockey team set off to Melbourne High to play in the Inter-School Tournament. Unfortunately, a few were sadly missing due to winter concert rehearsals but after some early morning emails from Ms. Lionello we had a full team on the pitch!

Thanks to some training sessions with Ms. Kutrolli and Ms. Lionello, our team was ready to fight, and fight we did. We came in hard with an early goal in a short-corner and we were able to withhold our lead for the duration of the game! Although a few of us came off a bit bruised, we all learnt so much during the game and are really excited for regionals in October. Go Mac.Rob!

Niveda T, 10K


Principal’s Update | August


Combined Play 2022 | “Stories In The Dark”