Mathematics Competition 2022

It’s been another stellar year for our students in Mathematics with many achieving outstanding results in competitions. Mike Clapper, the Chief Mathematician from the Australian Mathematics Trust continued to run an after school club that many students attended to learn new and creative ways to approach problems and to hone their competition skills. We are very grateful to Mike for volunteering his time and providing our students with this opportunity.

The Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) has over 500,000 students compete worldwide and this year all Year 9 and 10 Mac.Rob students, together with some senior students, participated. Over 250 of our students were awarded a Distinction or High Distinction. Dishika Ghosh (9B) was awarded Best in School for the AMC and the students listed below were all awarded High Distinctions:

The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking competition is designed to encourage student curiosity and promote multiple modes of thinking. The following students achieved Distinctions:

  • Grace L (9D)

  • Qi En R (9J)

  • Yoko T (9J)

  • Anika B (11B)

Over 50 students took part in the AMT Maths Challenge which required them to put their minds to problems that required time and persistence. The following students received Distinctions for their solutions.

  • Anaya A (9K)

  • Hannah G (9C)

  • Ellawen G (10F)

  • Naomi K (9K)

  • Claire X (9E)

  • Charlize Y (9J)

Some competitions required both a high level of Mathematics and a lot of stamina. Mac.Rob performed very strongly in the 3 hour Melbourne University School Mathematics Competition with the following students all receiving Merit certificates

  • Nishita K (10F)

  • Wing Sun W (9B)

  • Kitty Z (9A)

  • Beiwen J (12C)

  • Amy X (12A)

At 4 hours, the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad (AIMO) was our longest competition and one of the most challenging. Grace L (9D) achieved a High Distinction and both Jocelyn L (9C) and Kitty Z (9A) achieved Distinctions. A number of other students also received Credits.

In addition to the students named above, many many more students participated and got out of their comfort zones by trying new things and learning to apply themselves for an extended period of time to very challenging problems. It is always wonderful to see the enthusiasm and high level of participation of Mac.Rob students in these activities and we congratulations all the students who took part and extend our thanks to the teachers and families who have supported them. 

Ms. Fraine Mahoney, Mathematics Domain Leader


School Council Update | Term 4, 2022


I.B. Program At Mac.Rob | First Year Reflection