School Council Update | Term 4, 2022

Congratulations to the Class of 2022 and to the entire Mac.Rob community on another very successful year. The strong return to face-to-face learning after the challenges of previous years was welcomed by all, and the determination amongst student leaders and staff to rekindle the special culture of Mac.Rob through clubs, assemblies and events is to be commended. The students and staff alike have shown incredible spirit, positivity and commitment.

Mac.Rob School Council congratulates our principal, Ms. Sue Harrap, on her first full year in her role. We have been delighted with her steadfast commitment to the School Strategic Plan, particularly with regard to maximising student learning outcomes, engagement, and wellbeing. The school also had a successful meeting with the Minister and MPs on school grounds. The Minister was impressed with the school and its commitment towards the students and their well-being.

Above: School Council and Parents’ Association Members assist at the New Student Information Night.

The renovation of facilities to enhance the learning environment for our students and increase capacity has been progressing well. The school has had meetings with the construction team and has managed the oversight of the building works throughout the year. The progress has been communicated through regular updates to students, staff and parents. The installation by the school of the temporary senior study space was very beneficial to our Year 12s. We commend the entire student and staff cohort for their patience and tolerance throughout the process. We look forward to unveiling our upgraded library, classrooms, theatre and beautifully landscaped outdoor gathering spaces early in the coming year. 

2022 marked Mac.Rob’s first year of operation as an IB World School. As a School Council, we are delighted to have broadened the learning opportunities for our students, allowing them to choose between the International Baccalaureate and the VCE in their final years. We have received much positive feedback from our first cohort of IB students who will complete Year 12 in 2023.

Behind the scenes, School Council’s finance and governance sub-committees have worked tirelessly to ensure compliance with DET Governance requirements. Various policies such as the Child Safe Policies, Mobile Phone Policy, and Parent Payment Policy have been reviewed by the Governance committee and have been approved by the School Council. Council’s fundraising working party has been focused on maximising funding and thereby opportunities for our students within the constraints of the Department’s changes in the fundraising environment. The school has made significant changes to better explain the process for parent contributions and the crucial impact they have on the school.

 The school has been advocating strongly for traffic safety and raising concerns, mitigating risks and incorporating appropriate measures, as far as reasonably practical. The website has been recently updated and recent videos of cultural engagement has been showcased on social platforms.

We acknowledge and thank the 2022 Mac.Rob School Council members for their commitment and contribution. They have engaged in open, respectful, positive discussions and have always prioritised student outcomes.

Go well, Class of 2022. We can’t wait to hear of the extraordinary lives you will live!

The Mac.Rob School Council


Wellbeing Update | Term 4, 2022


Mathematics Competition 2022