Harmony Day 2023

On Tuesday, March 21st, Mac.Robbians came together to celebrate Harmony Day! It was a special day centred around respecting each person’s rich cultural background; recognising diversity within our community; and of course, uniting every Mac.Robbian who calls Australia home. 

Our Middle School Captains, Trinity T and Zuni M, decorated the overpass with a beautiful display of flags from different countries, to which students marvelled at as they walked under them throughout the week – whilst some even quizzed each other on the countries they recognised! 

However, a celebration of culture cannot be fulfilled without some food and games! Thanks to our wonderful team of student leaders, we proudly presented a myriad of over twenty unique dishes (including a large number of homemade varieties) for our International Food Stall! It was incredibly meaningful and heart-warming to see students and teachers alike stepping out of their comfort zone and trying foods unheard of to them: including Malaysian Kueh, South Asian Samosa, Japanese Daifuku and Vietnamese Sponge Cake! Such a mouth-watering array of foods and flavours allowed Mac.Robbians to have a taste of so many different parts of the world. 

Meanwhile in the gym, students kept their eyes on the amazing prizes on offer and put on a great display of competition and sportsmanship as they participated in a big mix of cultural games, ranging from ‘Kendama’ to ‘Red Light, Green Light’ to ‘Gonggi’.

We felt that the message of “Everyone belongs” truly shone through on this special day. We hope that this multicultural inclusivity and diversity continues to be a source of warmth and light that enriches our sense of community and belonging here at Mac.Rob for many years to come!

We would like to extend a huge thank you to Sport Captains (Perlie and Sophie) and their Sports Family; to our amazing team of Connect Caps, to Ms. Williams and Ms. Toohey, for their unwavering support and hard work.

Pin Qi W and Gauri A | Mac.Rob School Captains


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