Community Update: Palladians & Parents’ Association

A Sizzling Success: The Democracy BBQ

On October 14th, our school transformed into a vibrant hub of democratic activity as it served as a polling station for the latest referendum. To commemorate this significant event, we organized a "Democracy BBQ," and it turned out to be a sizzling success.

. The Democracy BBQ provided a perfect opportunity for our school community to come together and celebrate the democratic process.

One of the driving forces behind this event's success was Jasmine, the President of our Parents Association. Along with her family and dedicated members of the Parents Association, they worked tirelessly to ensure that the BBQ ran smoothly. Their hard work paid off as we sold out before the scheduled finish time. The funds raised during the event will be used to support various school projects, benefiting everyone in our community.

The Democracy BBQ was a symbol of the democratic spirit that unites us as a school. It reminded us of the importance of active participation in our society, the power of our voices, and the value of our votes. The students learned valuable lessons about civic engagement, and as a school, we demonstrated our commitment to being a responsible and engaged member of our community.

We thank all who supported the Democracy BBQ, and especially to Jasmine and the Parents Association for their dedicated efforts. It was a day filled with a strong sense of civic pride. This event will surely be remembered as one of the highlights of our school year, reinforcing the importance of democracy in our lives.

A Resounding Success: Palladians' Association Presentation on Exam Tips and Preparation

On the 4th of October, the Palladians' Association organized a presentation of great importance in our school's calendar. The event was held in the school theatre during lunchtime and featured two exceptional presenters, last year's DUX. It was a roaring success with 500 students in attendance, filling the theatre to its full capacity.

The two presenters, both of whom achieved the highest academic excellence in their respective years, delivered an insightful and inspiring presentation. They shared their personal journeys to success and offered practical tips for effective exam preparation. Students were treated to a wealth of valuable advice, ranging from time management and study strategies to stress management, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

The event was a huge success, drawing a crowd of 500 eager learners who actively participated in the session and Q&A segment. The presenters' engaging delivery and relatable experiences made the topic accessible to all, from the freshmen just starting their academic journeys who are gearing up for their final exams.

The Palladians' Association deserves praise for organizing this impactful event, and we hope to see more of these in the future. Events like these contribute significantly to the school's academic culture and inspire students to strive for excellence.

In conclusion, the Palladians' Association's presentation on exam tips and preparation was an inspiring and educational experience. We hope that the knowledge shared during this event will help our students excel in their studies and perform their best in upcoming exams.


Wellbeing Update | Term 4, 2023


Year 11 Remembrance Day Ceremony