Wellbeing Update | Term 4, 2023

Little Lessons #6: Repair Ruptures

Our latest Little Lessons film is also now available. One of the most important things that you can do within your relationship with your child is repair ruptures. A rupture is a break in the connection between two people. When someone says or does something that causes us to feel hurt, angry or upset, a rupture occurs. Ruptures occur in all relationships; they’re very normal.

It is not necessary for you to avoid ruptures in your relationship with your child. In fact, ruptures can be very helpful. What’s most important is how you deal with a rupture. Watch the video below to learn how!

We will release a number of Little Lessons over the course of this year, all of which will be accessible on our Family Portal. Keep an eye out for more Little Lessons.

Little Lessons: The Podcast!

If you missed the launch of our Little Lessons Podcast, fear not! You can catch up on the first episode below!

Each episode of the Little Lessons Podcast, hosted by Dr. Bridget McPherson, Head of Wellbeing and Engagement, features a guest staff member from Mac.Rob, who offer their wisdom and expertise to parents and carers. Little Lessons aims to provide parents, carers and family members with information and ideas about how to raise children who are resilient, independent and well, and how to partner with our educators at Mac.Rob to ensure that your child receives the best education possible for them.

Our first Little Lesson podcast is focussed on the wonderful proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”. The episode features Julia Stoppa, an English teacher and Head of Professional Learning. Bridget and Julia talk about the importance of the village in raising children, and the difference between parenting as a carpenter and parenting as a gardener. It’s an interesting, insightful conversation that promises to be of value to those adults who are caring for our Mac.Rob students.

You can listen to the episode below, or subscribe to the Mac.Rob Podcast channel on SoundCloud for all the latest!

Connect Survey

Parents and carers are invited to provide feedback on our Connect curriculum, via this survey:

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or feedback about wellbeing at Mac.Rob, at bridget.mcpherson@macrob.vic.edu.au.

Dr. Bridget McPherson, Head of Wellbeing and Engagement


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