Year 9 Transition Reflection

Approximately four weeks ago, new students began to spill into Mac.Rob’s hallways brimming with anticipation. Each one of us had a different history, different personality and different goals. Yet we were all in the same boat; everyone had just begun a new chapter of their lives and was determined to make the most of it. Transitioning into Year 9 has been an incredible experience and was executed wonderfully by students and staff alike.

Like many others, I was a bundle of nerves during the first few days of school. We had worked tremendously to get here, so it almost felt like a dream come true. I can still recall the butterflies that threatened to overwhelm me and the worries that flooded my mind as I took my first step into these hallowed halls. But before I knew it, these fears had been extinguished by the warm and welcoming community here at Mac.Rob.

Orientation Day and the Connect Program were essential elements of this transition, as they enabled us to form friendships with like-minded peers and become accustomed to the school grounds. Our excellent teachers also assisted us with this process and supported us every step of the way. As time passed, utilising public transportation became second nature, and school became a home away from home.

Overall, transitioning into Year 9 was an unforgettable experience and remarkably smooth. One day, we shall look back on these days with fondness. Thank you to Mac.Rob’s staff and students, who played a crucial part in the transition’s success.

Samantha H, Year 9


Principal’s Update | March, 2023


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