World’s Greatest Shave

Hello Mac.Rob! On the very last day of Term 2, the World’s Greatest Shave (WGS) happened! Zhenyi (Year 11), Seni (Year 10), Amelia (Year 10), Inaya (Year 9), and our Social Service Coordinator, Mr. Regalo, cut and/or shaved our hair (and donated the cuttings) to raise awareness and funds for the Leukemia Foundation. Zen and Seni reflect on their experience participating in the World’s Greatest Shave 2021:

“Hi! I’m Zen! Participating in the WGS was one of the most exciting events that happened to me this year. I loved the amount of good that we all did for a great cause, experiencing so much kindness from friends and strangers along the way. The process of fundraising and shaving all my hair off was so much fun. I hope I’ve inspired others to participate as well.”

“Hi! I’m Seni and I participated in the WGS because I wanted to do my part to help Australians who get diagnosed with blood cancers such as leukemia each year. Before the event I was a bit nervous but super excited. Although campaigning for donations was a tricky process, I could not be more grateful for how supportive and helpful my family and friends were throughout the journey. The whole process was so memorable and the experience was so invaluable!”

We would like to say a huge thanks to Mac.Rob for coming out to support the five of us during the event! Through the broader school community’s generosity, the “MacNoggins” raised over $5000, greatly surpassing our initial goal of $3000! Looking out from the stage and seeing all of your smiling and encouraging faces made being up there much less nerve-wracking. We could not have done this without the help of our fellow Mac.Robbians and teachers, especially Mr Regalo, Ivy, and Selini, and the rest of the amazing Social Service team!

Zhenyi (Year 11) & Seni (Year 10)


Model UN Conference


Principal’s Update | August