Principal’s Update | August

As we move through the depths of winter, continued flexibility and resilience has been required to navigate the effects of the pandemic. As a newcomer to the school, I have been incredibly impressed by the commitment and connection our students and staff have maintained throughout the latest two lockdowns.

Over the course of the last few weeks, there has been a flurry of excitement, deep thinking and collaboration as our students plan for 2022 and courses they take. Excitingly, some students in Year 10 have been selecting the International Baccalaureate (IB) as a pathway for the first time – we look forward to launching the IB with this foundation cohort in 2022.

Plans are well underway for our celebration of “Mac.Rob Week” during Week 8 – I have been inspired to hear of the plans the School Captains, Krish and Alexa, have put in place. This year “Mac.Rob Week” (August 30th - September 3rd) will be even more special, as we plan to launch the new school values at the same time.

The school values have been developed through collaboration between the students and staff over the course of the past 8 months. COVID permitting, we intend to have a significant celebration to mark their unveiling to the community. I look forward to working with the school community to embed the new school values so that they reflected in all that we do.

I also look forward to the return from lockdown, and once again hearing the energising sounds of students and staff around the school, and the prospect of judging the Sports Cup Battle of the Bands.

Best wishes,

Ms. Sue Harrap, Interim Principal


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