Wellbeing Sardines Activities


On June 24th, our new Head of Wellbeing and Engagement, Ms. Bridget McPherson, coordinated Wellbeing Sardines! A small group of student leaders got together to plan and run activity stations - the one we held being the Anxiety Station. Each group of students who participated in the race went to each station to complete the wellbeing-themed activities and race to the finish line to win a prize!

We truly enjoyed discussing, planning, and helping facilitate Wellbeing Sardines—every step of the way was a new and fun learning experience for us and we were thrilled to be involved in such an awesome and meaningful event! It was such a joy to see Wellbeing Sardines turn out to be such a success, and it was great to see everyone participating and joining in, having a little fun in the warm sunshine. 

It was delightful to receive a lot of positive feedback on how Wellbeing Sardines went and how much of a good time everyone had. Many students expressed wishes for events similar to Wellbeing Sardines to be held more often, which was wonderful news and great feedback for the student leadership team in planning future whole school events.

The event not only allowed students to experience different mindful, calming, and informative activities, but it also let them do it in a way that was enjoyable, with a touch of competition to get students excited. It also highlighted the importance of looking after yourself mentally and physically as well as having a bit of fun with friends and doing things that contribute to self-care, all of which we think the school has learned from an activity like this! 

We would love to hold this again next year and in future years as it was a super beneficial event in many ways! Students can gain so much from a simple and enjoyable event such as Wellbeing Sardines. From the feedback and responses we received, together with the high participation levels, we definitely have plans to continue Wellbeing Sardines into the future!

Palwasha and Pin Qi (Year 10)


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