Victorian Association of Philosophy Evening

On August 30th, a group of Mac.Rob philosophers participated in a Philosophy Evening, hosted by the Victorian Association for Philosophy in Schools (VAPS) at the University of Melbourne.

We were seated in an auditorium, where different stimulus materials - readings, videos, thought experiments - were presented to us. The stimuli revolved around bodily autonomy, friendship, the trolley problem, and the relationship between heart and mind.  Once each of these prompts were explained, we split up into smaller groups with other students from high schools across Melbourne.

During these philosophical discussions, we asked and answered one another’s questions regarding the stimulus materials. These discussions sparked our curiosity and had us thinking deeply about various ideas. Engaging in these discussions also enabled us to look at arguments from other students’ perspectives to achieve a stronger understanding.

Overall, this experience was very insightful and helped to extend our critical thinking skills. The evening allowed us to explore and consolidate our understanding of various concepts, whilst being in an environment with enthusiastic and open-minded students.

Thank you to Mr. Regalo and Ms. Olsen organising, accompanying and providing us this valuable opportunity.

Mac.Rob Philosophers: Ava 9G, Sonia 11A, Savannah 9A, Khawna 11C, Abigail 9J, Thea 9A, Grace 10C, Pia 10D, Chloe 10F


Mac.Rob Book Week Celebrations


Year 10 Japanese Language Excursion