State Swimming Victoria 2022

Hi Mac.Rob! Last week, we had the absolute pleasure and honour to attend our very first School Sport Victoria (SSV) student leader meeting of the year! It was an experience so memorable, we’ve decided to share it with you!

We came together with students from all ages and from all over the state, even as far as Gippsland! It was amazing to see SSV create an opportunity for kids of all ages and backgrounds to have a say on behalf of the student cohort. As a team, we have all had different experiences within School Sport Victoria and our views helped us brainstorm ideas to improve for the future.

The main reason why SSV created this program was to increase student involvement and participation in school sports. By selecting students with different experiences, disabilities and a passion for sports, they are then able to find out where improvements should be made to shape school sports to be more fun! It was a great experience to brainstorm our ideas and learn about leadership from Ellie Cole, Brad Marais and Melissa (Milly) Tapper.

One of the biggest highlights of the SSV event was meeting inspiring guest speakers, who all had lots to offer into the program and inspired us with their incredible careers and mentalities. Not only was it inspiring to hear about their journeys, it was also especially insightful to listen to them provide another different perspective into sport; that is, its limitations and exclusiveness towards people with disabilities. Last but definitely not least, we agree that the most special memory of SSV was having the opportunity to touch, feel and hold a Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Silver Medal!

Overall, it was well and truly an amazing experience!

Sahana, Gauri and Pin Qi


Wellbeing Report | Term 1, 2022


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