Principal’s Update | November

Welcome to this edition of the newsletter, at the mid-point of the final Term for 2022.

The Life Cycle of a School

We experienced the bitter sweet moments farewelling the Class of 2022 and this week we have formally welcomed the Class of 2026 with our New Student Information Night.

We so enjoyed the fun and connection of our final weeks of school with the Year 12s;  when the students dressed up as teachers, the Principal team dressed up as students. The carnival feel of their final celebration day was delightful. We had pancakes, jumping castles, performances, speeches and the whole-school guard of honour. The full range of emotions from students and staff was experienced - tears, laughter, joy, apprehension and everything in between. 

We say that it is bitter sweet, because as staff members, we know this day is coming, we know in fact, it is the ultimate purpose of your profession – to see young people fly off to the next phase of their lives, hopeful that we’ve we have equipped them to fulfil their definition of success and happiness – and we feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, we share in the celebration, but at the same time we feel a deep sadness and loss.

We are sad because we have relationships with these young people. We see them, we care about them, we know them. We know their strengths, their areas for growth, we share in their joys, their triumphs, their disappointments, and their struggles. We work together to help them through. We learn together with them and from them, we laugh with them, cry together and grow together.

We have seen these Year 12s develop from small, shy, tentative and promising young people, to confident, hard-working, motivated and driven, capable young adults. 

And while we are celebrating the educational journey of our Year 12s we are at the same time delighted and excited to welcome our new Year 9s and their families. We can’t wait to form the same connections and inspire further curiosity in them. 

We are looking forward to celebrating our Year 12s at the upcoming Valedictory on November 22nd, on results day on December 12th, and at Presentation Night on December 13th (tickets on sale via the Arts Centre website, Monday, November 28th, at 6pm).

VCAA Examinations

Our Unit 3 & 4 students, and the Senior School have done a fantastic job of systematically working their way through the VCAA Exams. The exams are progressing well. All of the very large ones have finished and so our use of the gym resumed. The students are now sitting their exams on the top floor of the Kingsway Building. Our students have been brave, resilient and determined and most importantly, calm and composed.

Student Achievements

Our students continue to demonstrate their growth in more than just academics. 

National Chess Finals

Congratulations to five of our most strategic thinkers - our students have won the state championships and are off to Nationals in early December. We are so proud of them and wish them all the best. It is apparently 13 years since we had students compete in the Nationals. 

State Hockey

On Wednesday, November 9th, our students competed in the State Hockey Finals.


Mac.Rob won the State Online Debating Competition.

Marion Lau OAM Award 

Madison, Mahathi, and Jennis in Year 11 won this award for a speech on Treaty at the My Vote My Voice event at Parliament House.

State Champions - Intermediate Cricket

Congratulations to the Intermediate Cricket team - perhaps some of our students could have played for Australia in the recent T20 World Cup!

Mission, Vision, Values and Motto

In 2021 the school community worked together to develop our values. Over the course of this year we have worked hard to ensure they are visible and embedded. We have also collaborated with the community and worked hard to define our Vision and Mission. 

We are delighted to celebrate and launch them.

Finishing up 2023

As we head towards the final weeks of term, there is so much that we are working to achieve, including: making our best efforts to finish classes with a focus on individual growth and development; moving into celebrations and training like Year 11 Camp, Year 10 Celebration Days, the Year 9 Potens Sui - Reconciliation Program and Connect Clash, Peer Support training, Course Reflection & Confirmation Day, 2023 Classes Orientation, 2023 Year 9 Orientation Program, Year 12 Results, Presentation Night and so much more.

We can’t wait to lead you through getting the most out of all of it.

Until next time, take care,

Sue Harrap

Mac.Rob plays a vital and inclusive role as one of Victoria’s selective entry schools by ensuring a sense of connection, belonging, and challenge for like-minded, high-ability students. Our school inspires active engagement, and we trust the capacity of our young people to make meaningful contributions to the school - through collaboration with staff in learning, decision making, and through expansive leadership, co-curricular, and social service opportunities at Mac.Rob.

With your generous support to our Building and Library Funds, we can improve our classrooms, facilities, and school grounds, and ensure Mac.Rob continues to develop curious, motivated, and critical thinkers who show compassion for others, pursue personal growth, demonstrate respect for their community, and explore disciplines and opportunities they are truly passionate about.


Mac.Rob Presentation Night | 2022


Mac.Rob Foundation Bursaries