Principal’s Update | April

What a term it has been! It has been exhilarating to be back at school continuously for a whole term for the first time since Term 4, 2019. It has flown by in a flurry of purposeful activity. We finished the term with a flourish, with the magnificent House Drama competition on Wednesday. The performances were an outstanding demonstration of teamwork, risk taking, creativity, humour and even acting! I was thoroughly impressed by it all. I congratulate the Oreads on their win.

The Summer Concert in the week before was also a wonderful celebration of the high quality learning and teamwork that takes place every day in our Instrumental Music Program. I am determined never to take concerts and performances for granted again. Seeing and hearing our students perform so beautifully after two years where it was not possible, really brings tears to my eyes and makes me so incredibly proud. It was evident that families and friends in the audience were also incredibly proud of their children’s growth and development.

I trust we have been able to strengthen our learning partnerships between students and parents over the course of the last two days of term during the Parent Student Teacher Conferences. These conversations have such potential to positively impact learning.

Mac.Rob Foundation Scholarship

The Mac.Rob Foundation had an incredibly strong field of applicants for the inaugural Anna Bradbury Little Scholarship for $2500 to recognise and support student development in the Arts. 

The scholarship was awarded to Zhenyi L from Year 12. 

Zhenyi is a talented visual artist, she is currently studying Unit 3 & 4 Studio Arts, she is the Art Club leader and has been working with the Guides in Volunteering group to assist them with artwork and promotions. She is planning on purchasing different media programs to assist with her designs, a wacom digital tablet, she plans on attending a range of art courses to expand her skills and critical thinking.

“Receiving the Anna Bradbury Little scholarship is truly such an honor, I am so blessed for this opportunity to further explore my potential in the field of visual arts. I will be able to learn so much and refine my skills through this opportunity, and spread this knowledge with the wider school community, and finally validate my passion for art as a possible future pathway. I sincerely hope my parents are proud of me and my art.” - Zhenyi, Anne Bradbury Little Scholarship recipient

More Mac.Rob Foundation scholarship and bursary opportunities are open right now: 

Academic Scholarship | Open to all students | $2500 

To recognise academic excellence by enabling students of excellence to engage in curriculum enhancement and extra-curricular programs.

STEM Bursary | Open to all students | $800

This STEM bursary is designed to recognise and support a student undertaking study in an area of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM). Applicants should demonstrate a strong commitment to the study of one or more STEM areas and be able to show evidence of financial hardship that might preclude or limit them from engaging in STEM education.

STEM Scholarship | Open to all students | $2500

This STEM scholarship is designed to recognise and support academic excellence of a student undertaking additional study or exploration in an area of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM). Applicants should have a strong commitment to the study of one or more STEM areas, and will be expected to demonstrate:

  • Excellence in their current academic science and/or maths areas of study (VCE or Victorian Curriculum) and

  • A passion for one or more of the areas of STEM that they wish to pursue, including examples of current engagement in one or more of the STEM areas beyond the classroom

Postgraduate Scholarship

This scholarship acknowledges academic distinction through financial support for young women to undertake professional activities associated with undergraduate and/or postgraduate studies at globally-recognised Australian institutions. It is open to women aged 30 and younger. NOTE: Scholarship funds cannot be used to study overseas. 

Applications can be made via the Mac.Rob Foundation website, and close on Friday, May 6th.

Building Works to commence next Term

Excitingly all the planning and designing will stop and we will move into the building phase - when we return to school in Term 2 the building works in Lakeside and the Theatre will have commenced. The school will look quite different for the remainder of the year. 

We will not have access to the ground floor of Lakeside and the worksite will be fenced off, taking up some of the garden and courtyard area. 

A temporary structure will be located in the Rose Garden to act as a study space for our Year 12s.

Artist’s impression of what the completed building works may look like.

Happy Holidays

As we head into the holidays I acknowledge the very real exhaustion we all feel. I trust that exhaustion is accompanied with equal measure of satisfaction about a job well done.

I hope each member of our school community feels a great sense of achievement - that you’re proud of yourselves for what you have accomplished and for living our values of community, growth, responsibility and compassion so fully. 

Schools are a vital part in maintaining purpose, wellbeing, connection, support and, of course, learning. The full richness of that has been on display here at Mac.Rob throughout Term 1.

We wish everyone a happy, safe and restful term break. 

Well done!

Sue Harrap, Principal


World’s Greatest Shave 2022


GIV Report: Term 1, 2022