Principal’s Update | November

Things have been moving at a rapid pace over the past month as the rate of community vaccination rises and the State responds by opening up. Most significantly this has allowed students and staff to return to school, albeit in a staggered fashion to date. This week we were thrilled to mark the return of all students and staff. The joyfulness of life at school, with us all together in our school environment, with the gardens in full bloom has really been quite moving. 

We were able to have a subdued celebration to mark the end of Year 12 classes with a dress up day and COVIDSafe guard of honour to farewell them. We are mid-way through the VCAA exam period and they have been running like clockwork. This is largely due to the clarity of purpose and determination our students have to do their best, and the outstanding preparation they have had (even in difficult circumstances). With restrictions easy we are delighted to finalise plans for a valedictory celebration for the Year 12s at the end of exams.

Welcome, Maddie Witter!

It is with great pleasure that I introduce our new Assistant Principal to the school community. Please join me in welcoming Maddie Witter as Assistant Principal for Learning, Teaching and Development. Maddie will commence with us in the last few weeks of the school year. 

Please read on for a brief biography outlining Maddie’s educational leadership and interests:

Maddie Witter has been co-leading renowned schools for 17 years as a staff developer and leader of teaching and learning. In New York City, Maddie co-founded KIPP Infinity Middle School, a school consistently ranked top in the city. Due to the successes of the school, Maddie was asked to write a book detailing the school's literacy approach for others. Maddie moved to Melbourne to write the book, and whilst writing Reading Without Limits: Teaching Strategies to Build Independent Reading for Life (Jossey-Bass, 2013), Maddie co-founded Parkville College, a multi-campus secondary school for young people who are or have been detained in custody. At Parkville College, Maddie led the instructional leadership across the six campus school.

During her time at Parkville College, Maddie also co-authored another seminal work: the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM). BSEM is a wellbeing model used by schools across Australia. After co-authoring BSEM, Maddie transitioned from Parkville College to join the Berry Street team as Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning at the Berry Street School. Here, she led all teaching, learning, and staff development across the four campus school. Maddie is a proud mum, loves making patchwork quilts when she has spare time, and has a particular fondness for sausage dogs. She is excited to join the MacRobertson Girls High School team as Assistant Principal: Teaching, Learning and Development.

We look forward to welcoming Maddie to our Mac.Rob community.

Best wishes,

Ms. Sue Harrap, Principal


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