My Vote, My Voice

Fiona T, Alexandra P, Ananya P, Nidhi B and Reina C took centre stage at the Legislative Council Chamber in the Parliament of Victoria on Monday, August 7th, 2023. As part of the "My Vote My Voice" initiative, three of our students delivered a thought-provoking presentation on the theme: "What are the barriers to Human Rights in Australia? How can we begin to overcome them."

The event saw participation from ten schools, each contributing their findings and insights on the challenges that Australia faces in upholding and promoting human rights.

The day commenced with a warm welcome, setting the stage for a series of engaging speeches, student presentations, and panel discussions. With the students' presentations resonating deeply with the audience. Our young advocates exhibited a remarkable grasp of the subject matter, offering a compelling analysis of refugee visas and the treatment of refugees in detention centres.

Their presentation shed light on the challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers, discussing the barriers that hinder their access to basic human rights. The students courageously addressed the intricacies of the immigration system, offering insightful solutions to improve the conditions and treatment of those seeking refuge within our borders. The audience was not only attentive but visibly moved by the sincerity and passion with which our students spoke.

The applause and positive reception followed our students' presentation. This is testament of our students hard work and dedication. Their ability to articulate complex issues and propose meaningful solutions underscored the importance of youth voices in shaping the future of human rights in Australia.

The student’s participation in "My Vote My Voice" had been a resounding success. We commend our students for their outstanding efforts and look forward to witnessing the lasting impact of their advocacy as they continue to champion the cause of human rights in our country.


Principal’s Update | August, 2023


Wellbeing Update | Term 3, 2023