Music At Mac.Rob: Summer Concert 2022

On Thursday, March 31st, Mac.Rob’s Music students, families, and friends gathered together for the first annual performance of 2022: The Summer Concert. It was a buzzing night for students, and for many, it was their first experience of performing at Mac.Rob. Everyone in the Music Department was incredibly excited to finally display the products of their hard work. The students worked very hard during their weekly rehearsals to put together the night, and all the performances were spectacular.

After the last two years of learning music online, this concert in particular was a big celebration of student resilience. It took a while for everyone to get back into old habits at the start of the year, and even until the last moment, extra rehearsals and practices were held to ensure successful performances. The efforts and dedication shown by the Music staff were greatly appreciated, as this event would not have been possible without them.

Please look forward to even more amazing evenings and musical events in the following months, and come share those unforgettable moments with us! In Term 2, we will be having Jazz Night and the Autumn Concert, and in Term 3 we will be having our annual Winter Concert in the Melbourne Recital Centre. Check the newsletter and Mac.Rob’s social media pages for more information about those closer to their performance dates.

Catherine X and Kemrose D, Music Captains


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