Modern History Card Games

At the end of Term 3, the VCE Unit 1 and 2 Modern History class participated in a strategy-based, Cold War themed card game Diplomats of Destruction, created by students Zara T and Abi B. Diplomats of Destruction, follows the arms race that occurred between The Soviet Union and The USA during the Cold War. The game blends elements of espionage and diplomacy into a fast-paced adrenaline-inducing adventure.

During the Cold War, the arms race was significant as it determined which country had access to more powerful responses. Most notably during the arms race was the increased interest in nuclear weapons, this is what Diplomats of Destruction aims to replicate. Following the USA’s development of the first nuclear weapons in 1939 a spotlight was shone on this aspect of warfare. Diplomats of Destruction is a simulation of the nuclear weapons arms race where students use resources to increase the militaristic prowess of their nation with the goal to ultimately become victorious.

Here is what our class had to say about Diplomats of Destruction:

“While [the game] kept us learning about the Cold War, it helped our lesson feel refreshing, keeping up our motivation in the heavy weeks of assessments.” - Alex

“An engaging and wonderful way to learn about the Cold War and have fun at the same time.” - Candy

“Extremely fun and intense! Allies were made and friendships broken- just like the cold war.” - Nusaybah

“A creative and well thought out game that consolidated our knowledge on the Cold War in an engaging and collaborative manner” - Ananya

Abi B, VCE Modern History Student


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