Interact ForAMeal Packing Day

On Wednesday, August 24th, the Mac.Rob Interact Club held our annual ForAMeal Packing Day in partnership with M.A.T.E.S for Change and the Canterbury Rotary Club. This initiative aims to support disadvantaged communities by providing nutritious meals to those in need. Once packed, these emergency relief meals are distributed in communities in Australia, Ukraine, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and more.

The day started off with setting up the many packing stations in the gym, and getting all the materials set. Bags of rice, lentils and oats were plentiful. And as soon as Periods 3 and 4 started, it was time to pack! Students across all year levels gathered together to support the initiative. Like clockwork, hands moved back and forth pouring, weighing, sealing, and packing. Each meal pack contained a cup of oats, lentils and rice, as well as the most important vitamin sachet, filled with nutrients. By the end of the double period, we had over 10,000 packs (equal to 60,000 meals)!

But the day wasn’t over yet. At lunch the packing continued with a year level packing competition to see who could packet the most meals with the year 12s as our winners! And finally, Periods 5 and 6 rolled around. Once again, Mac.Robbians demonstrated their sense of compassion and willingness to help others. By mid-way through Period 6, our wonderful volunteers had packed all the available ingredients, bringing a satisfying end to the day. 

This event highlighted the importance of gratitude and giving back to others. By working together we were able to pack close to 20,000 packs which is equivalent to 120,000 meals altogether! Overall, alongside honouring our school values of compassion, community and responsibility, volunteers were able to make a positive difference on a global scale and we look forward to continuing this tradition in the coming years.

Chaitanya A (Interact President) and Palwasha K (Interact Media Officer)


Modern History Card Games


Potens Sui Program | Semester 1, 2022