Mac.Rob Week Reflection

Seeing the overpass filled with colourful decorations and hearing the sounds of music in the rose garden, reminded us of our beloved annual celebration - Mac.Rob week. It was our first in-person celebration since 2019, and it was nothing short of spectacular. Underpinning the week was the phrase “United in Uniqueness,” something we feel our community exemplifies every day. It was such a delight to see our community come together and continue to develop meaningful connections with one another.

The Monday of Mac.Rob week featured the prospective School Captain, Vice Captain and SRC candidates presenting their speeches to the whole school community. This requires a great amount of courage and we commend all candidates for putting their best foot forward! On Tuesday, we were privileged to hear from a former Mac.Rob student, Sarah Davidson, who shared with us her journey after Mac.Rob. She highlighted the importance of believing in yourself, stepping outside your comfort zone, and pursuing the things you love. Despite starting her career as a lawyer, she has since pursued business opportunities, written her own book, made her own podcast as well as became a Channel 7 Presenter. It was an honour to hear her story, and it inspired everyone who came along, to have faith in themselves and seize every opportunity possible! Whilst on Wednesday many of our senior students sat the GAT, the Middle School Captains created a Padlet for our community to share a relaxing activity they did for themselves.

Thursday was one of the week's highlights, as it was RU OK Day, led by our Friends at Mac.Rob (FAM) committee. All activities were based on the vision "unwind, communicate, check-in", where fun interactive activities promoted relaxation, which in turn fostered safe platforms for all Mac.Rob students to socialise and have meaningful conversations about mental health. It was so rewarding to see our peers flaunting yellow ribbons and  engaging with the different stations throughout the lunchtime . The petting zoo offered a sanctuary for Mac.Robbians to befriend fluffy bunnies, guinea pigs and other cute animals, the carnival games and lolly room sparked childhood memories for many, the photo booth captured wholesome friendships and the social room allowed everyone to dance the time away. 

Friday was our talent show which showcased the multitude of talents members of our community have. From Carnatic violin music to theatrical dramas, it was so beautiful to see people express their uniqueness through their acts. Every performer had something unique to share and did so with utmost grace and confidence. The epitome of community spirit was when Ananya sang “A Million Dreams” and the entire audience sang along beautifully. As our high school journey come to a close, Mac.Rob x R U OK Week was something that we will treasure forever. We are so glad to have had a week dedicated to celebrating our community and prioritising our overall well-being. 

Ananya B, School Captain; Aditi T, Vice Captain; Naina D and Wendy S, FAM Co-Captains


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