Mac.Rob Model UN

“I now call this meeting to order.” - Honourable Secretary General

On Wednesday, May 22nd, delegates from Mac.Rob, Melbourne Grammar School, Auburn High School and Albert Park Secondary College gathered for a day of diplomacy, public speaking and teamwork, at our annual Model UN. Countries passionately debated for the non-proliferation and eventual prohibition of nuclear weapons, resulting in some creative problem-solving and committed delegation!

Delegates prepared for this conference through researching extensively, attending our training session and carefully curating their position statements, preparing to propose amendments, strikes or additions to the resolution. The day began with their position statements and then moved into a series of moderated and unmoderated caucuses which caused the formation of strong, powerful alliances and even the breaking of others! Finally, we wrapped up the day by voting and debating on the amendments.

The caucuses brought on some memorable moments as each country attempted to come to a compromise and negotiate with their own interests at heart. We negotiated with contingencies, bribery, attacks, rhetoric and even made calls to dissolve NATO and nuke Iceland! However, the day also brought on heartwarming alliances between countries at war, and foregrounded the message of the UN; that, through diplomacy, peace can be achieved.

In planning this day, the DPS team aimed to foster connections amongst students with a passion for public speaking and delegation, and create a hands-on experience of diplomacy and international relations for our participants. We spoke, learned and connected, all coming out of this experience with much more knowledge and awareness around international diplomacy and real world issues than before.

We would like to express our gratitude to Mr Regalo, Mr Schaffner, Ms Purcell and Mr Corr for providing their input, supervision and support, and ultimately making this day possible. We cannot go without thanking all the incredible hard work from our DPS Co-Captains, Harshi and Ave, as well as the rest of the DPS cabinet and team. Finally, thank you so much to all the participants who were enthusiastic and put in so much effort into their speeches and delegation, making this day one to remember. We cannot wait for our next Model UN!

“We now yield to the chair.” - Republic of DPS Fam

Saathvika A (10K) & Pragna U (11F) | Public Speaking Executives


Interact Club


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