Interact “FORaMEAL” Packing Day

On Thursday, July 15th, the student-run Interact Club, GiV, and Social Service team held Mac.Rob’s first ever FORaMEAL Packing Day. FORaMEAL is an initiative designed by Canterbury Rotary Club, where communities can come together to help pack emergency relief meals for communities affected by natural disasters.

On this day, students from across all school Year levels showed their passion for helping others by coming together to pack meals for the international community. There were several sessions held throughout the day where students came in to fill, measure, seal, and box the meal packs. We were grateful to have been joined by several Rotary Club members and Ms. Dean, who helped us run the event even more smoothly!

The day was filled with lots of enjoyment, laughter, and a little measurement. It ended with students having packed over 20,000 emergency relief packs (equivalent to 120,000 meals), and setting a new record for the most meals packed by a school in a whole day!

This event truly showed the compassion of the Mac.Rob community when it comes to helping others, and with all the positive feedback received from the day, we hope to continue to run such an amazing event from now onwards into the future.

Aditi and Hedy, Interact Co-Presidents


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