The Holy Art “Nemesis” Studio Art Exhibition
“Interpretation” by Eliana, Year 11
With Units 3 and 4 Studio Arts complete, I am honoured to have five of my pieces exhibited in the “NEMESIS” exhibition run by London based gallery, The Holy Art. The exhibition application process consisted of a simple search online to find open calls for artists, the creation of a short artist statement and an email to a curator.
Conceptually, My folio explored the concept of differences in visual perception and the actions of living. Specifically, the idea that each individual lives separate lives despite experiencing moments distinctly similar. This can be exemplified by the experience of the same moment or phenomenon by multiple people, yet never being able to completely pin-point the exact things each person perceives in that single point of time. Moreover, I touched on the idea that as we each perceive our surroundings, the true moment is then altered by our own personal experience; perception does not only relate to the visual experience as a response to a stimulus, but also the emotions and thoughts that are partnered alongside what is visually perceived.
“Anonymous” by Eliana, Year 11
Another concept which has been weaved into my folio is the destroyed actuality of a true moment. When people experience, that experience is rooted from and adapted to each respective person, causing individuals to have different recounts of a single moment. A contrast arises in between personal recounts, thus, the true moment has been obstructed because of the surrounding factors that alter an experience; attitudes, motivations, expectations, behaviour and interests. The intention of my work was to also showcase the internal continuum of perception, where the brain translates and unravels the information being perceived concurrent to the external environment. I aimed for my work to offer resemblance to the obscurity and boundlessness of the mind.
For those wanting or thinking of doing VCE Studio Arts in upcoming years, forget the scaling or the doubts you may have. Do things that you genuinely and wholeheartedly enjoy. To stick to your own, is to freely and openly express yourself; honest expression. Apply this to all aspects of your life. Remember to evaluate, critique and think for yourself: unafraid to make a solitary stand or even swim against the tide. Visual art is both extremely rewarding and powerful.
Eliana, Year 11