German Language Competitions

AGTV Schreibwettbewerb 2023 - Association of German Teachers Victoria Writing Competition 2023

The theme of the AGTV Schreibwettbewerb competition this year was “Lebensgeschichte” - the life story of an influential German speaking person in Australia. 

“I wrote about Hans Heysen, a famous German-Australian painter, because I found his paintings and life story very interesting. I really enjoyed researching this topic, and learning about unique details of his life, including how major global events such as World War 1 affected him. I would definitely encourage students to participate in this competition as it’s a great way to practise German writing and expand your vocabulary, as well as learning about an interesting and influential person.”

Ruth P (10G)

“My piece was about Arthur Phillip, the first governor of New South Wales. I chose to focus on Arthur Phillip because although he is a prominent figure in Australian colonial history, his German heritage and German language skills are not widely known. I got to learn about Arthur Phillip’s upbringing, his experience leading the First Fleet in 1788 and his impressive language learning skills. The Schreibwettbewerb competition was a great way for me to develop my German writing skills and I would encourage other students to consider signing up!”

Grace L (10D)

Ruth won First Prize in the category ‘Magazine Article’ and Grace won Third Prize in the same category. 

AGTV ‘Werbespot’ Competition 2023: Erfindungen aus DACHL

Produce a promotional video about an invention from Deutschland, Austria, Confoederatio Helvetica (Switzerland) or Liechtenstein (DACHL)

“The Association of German Teachers in Victoria held a ‘Werbespot’ competition where students made an advertisement for an invention from a German-speaking country. Our advertisement was on Johannes Gutenberg’s mid-fifteenth century invention of the Printing Press and together we directed our own ad; including research, script-writing, filming and editing. Through the competition we learnt how this invention revolutionised the dissemination of ideas and information which ultimately led to the modern world as we know it. We enjoyed working with the AGTV and we encourage any interested students to compete in an AGTV competition!”

Dayna D’S and Sarah F (10G)

Dayna and Sarah won First Prize for their video ‘Gutenbergs Druckerpresse’.


A Trip to the Magistrates’ Court


Year 1 IB Theory of Knowledge Reflection