Principal’s Update | December
We started this year with such optimism and enthusiasm, thinking that the most significant impacts of the pandemic were behind us. Sadly our optimism waned and as the year wore on, the ongoing and cumulative effects surpassed even 2020.
While reflecting on what to write to you by way of a final message to the community, and taking into consideration the challenges of this year, I was reminded of a quote by David Whyte: “ … the antidote to exhaustion is not necessarily rest, the antidote to exhaustion is wholeheartedness.” So I encourage you all to nurture whatever it is you are passionate about as we move into the summer break.
The Class of 2021 VCE results
Congratulations to our committed and determined students! Yesterday was about results - but it was actually about so much more than that. It was a celebration of our school community illustrating that even in the face of adversity, together, an unerring focus on care, connection and growth yields outstanding achievement. We also recognise that the VCE scores are only one measure of growth and achievement - there are a great many more we are also extremely proud of.
Thank you to each student for their efforts to do their best, to all of the staff for their innovation and determination to provide the best education they could during remote learning and here at school, and to parents/carers for the enormous role you played in supporting your children to reach this milestone. These last two years, more than any others, have been a collaborative, monumental effort.
I was delighted to spend a few moments with our Dux, Lorraine Luo, who achieved 99.95, and Eechan Lui and Lasya Kondur, the two Proxime Accessit, with 99.90, and offer the school’s congratulations.
I also spent the morning with Mac.Rob students, Alexa Kalathoor and Krishni Rajasingam-Roshan, and the Minister for Education and Acting Premier, James Merlino MP, at Parliament House, along with a few other students and Principals. Together, we celebrated the achievements of students from across the state, and we look forward to hearing of your future pathways beyond high school.
Welcome the our incoming Year 9s for 2022
As we say farewell and best wishes to the Class of 2021, it has been all systems go as we welcome and enrol the 300 new Year 9s and their families who will join us in 2022. They have had a whirlwind time over this last week with offers, acceptances and enrolment in quick succession. We are planning a fun filled orientation day on Tuesday, February 1st, and a welcome morning tea and information session for their families. Families joining us in 2022 will receive more information about orientation early in the new year, and can check the Year 9 Enrolment Portal for updates.
Lakeside Building Upgrade
I am delighted to finally share with you a rendered image of the exterior view of the planned upgrade to the Lakeside building, which is due to begin at the end of Term 1 next year. The indoor and outdoor facilities created through this $8 million building project will create outstanding learning and recreation spaces for students and staff.
An artist’s rendering of the potential Lakeside Building design.
Presentation Night 2021
Congratulations to all students and staff who participated in our virtual Presentation Night for 2021. Presentation Night 2021 is the collaborative effort of many Mac.Rob students and staff. Our very heartfelt thanks to all members of our student cohort, teaching faculty, families, Palladians, School Council and Mac.Rob Foundation members, and the wider community for their contributions to this video, both in its preparation and production, as well as their participation in the many events, activities, concerts, and functions held throughout the year.
It is through the contributions of our fantastic community that our school values of community, growth, responsibility, and compassion truly come alive.
End of year thanks
I extend our heartfelt thanks to the school community for working so hard to make the best of another extraordinarily tough year. Everyone has shown resilience, persistence, and improved help-seeking behaviours. The collective care of the community has been evident at every step of the way.
The staff have been phenomenal – adaptive, innovative, caring, responsive.
The students have demonstrated the same qualities. They have worked with us to adapt to all circumstances both on campus and during remote learning.
Our families have been supportive, accepting, appreciative and generous with their time and provided positive feedback and encouragement.
Without doubt it has been challenging - for some more so than others – but not all of what we experienced was bad. The fact that our community’s collective consciousness about mental health and wellbeing has been elevated, our technological capacity, our appreciation of a simpler life, the visible power of community taking collective action, all of these things have, and will continue to, reap benefits for the years to come.
We must not lose sight of what we have learnt. We must find ways to incorporate the good bits to make our new normal even better than before.
Best wishes for a happy and safe holiday. Please do take time to rest, rejuvenate, and spend quality time with those you love.
I look forward to 2022 with enthusiasm; to a time when we can be together as a community, celebrate together, enjoy performances together, and see the outcomes of hard work and quality learning. I hope you finish the year with a sense of achievement and optimism. I am so incredibly proud of everyone. Well done.
We look forward to seeing you all back in 2022:
Staff: Friday, January 28th
Year 9: Tuesday, February 1st
Year 12: Wednesday, February 2nd
Years 10 and 11: Thursday, February 3rd
I sign off now with immense gratitude. Best wishes to one and all.
Ms. Sue Harrap, Principal