Clean Up Australia Day

It is estimated that approximately each year, “130,000 tonnes of Australian waste ends up in waterways, oceans” and anywhere else that isn’t a proper place of disposal. That’s why Mac.Rob Enviro hosted their annual Clean Up Australia Day on Friday, March 4th, with Melbourne High School to help make our school and its surrounding communities as waste-free as possible! We had an incredible gathering of over 70 students and staff this year, who helped to tackle the trash littered among the local community!

Rubbish carelessly left on the sidewalks of Albert Park Lake and the sand of Port Melbourne Beach were no match for the unified volunteers, armed with nothing more than gardening gloves and garbage bags, who tore through the areas leaving a pristine trail behind them. Whilst we were sadly unable to collect all the rubbish in Australia, we did manage to clean up a significant section of Port Melbourne (ensuring that it was properly disposed of) and doing our part to care for the planet that we live on - just like YOU can!. Thank you once again to everyone who participated, and we hope to see you as well as new faces next year!

Chau & Amelia (Environment Captains) and the 2022 Enviro Team


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