Youth In Philanthropy

Youth in Philanthropy is a program established by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation. It facilitates the growth, engagement and development of young philanthropic minds throughout 20 schools across Victoria. The program involves school committees identifying an impact area, researching and contacting charities, and finally distributing $10,000 from the Foundation’s grants budget to the chosen charities.

In our initial decision-making process, the Mac.Rob Youth in Philanthropy committee produced a Philanthropic Objective Statement:

“Our Youth in Philanthropy committee at Mac.Rob aspires to take steps in improving the lives and livelihood of those in our local community by supporting and connecting with local charities that will enable more opportunities and support for the less fortunate. In addition, we are keen on providing more opportunities for communities outside Mac.Rob. To better understand the polarities of lifestyles throughout our community, and thus become more involved with giving back to those in need.”

Producing our statement subsequently led us to decide on “Education and Employment” as our area of impact as we believe it most aligned with supporting and enabling more opportunities for our local communities.

With the help of our coach, Suzanne Doig, and our teacher, Mr. Regalo, we thoroughly investigated and researched charities and organisations that most aligned with our objective. After reaching out to our selected charities (namely Western Chances, Outer Urban Projects and L2R), we analysed their grant submissions and were granted the opportunity to virtually meet with two charities, who each explained the essence of their programs in depth.

Through this process, not only did we expand our knowledge of grant writing and applications, we also expanded our knowledge of social issues and extended our connections to both our local and broader community. 

Our involvement with the Youth in Philanthropy program was an invaluable and unparalleled opportunity. The committee at Mac.Rob is endlessly thankful for the experience we have gained, and it is safe to say that the Youth in Philanthropy program has assured all of us a fruitful, philanthropic future.

Mac.Rob’s YiP Committee: Cheryl 11I, Kathy 10F, Khatheeja 10H, Alex 10A, Ananaya 11H, Perlie 11D, Fiona 10G, Teresa 10A


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