Year 9 History Shrine Excursion

As part of our Year 9 History curriculum, students investigate and explore the origins and causes of World War One, as well as the Australian experience. Hear from Nandini Suratwala as to how it went:

On May 10th, 9B walked to the Shrine of Remembrance, with our history teacher, Mr. Desmond, and the head of middle school Ms. Phillips. Other than being an incredibly rewarding and exploratory experience, it allowed us to learn more about World War One, a current topic in our Year 9 history classrooms.

As we discovered more exhibits in the Shrine of Remembrance, we were able to make links with the information we had learnt in class. For example, in WW1, selected Victorian soldiers along with other ANZAC soldiers, made a crucial step in aiding Britain, France and Russia also known as the Triple Entente against the Triple Alliance. In the Shrine of Remembrance, we saw multiple stories of the said soldiers who fought on the Triple Entente’s side. 

Additionally, we also viewed several sources and we were able to deepen our understanding of historical source analysis. These sources, in the form of propaganda issued by the Australian Government, were the reason many soldiers were motivated and fuelled with a sense of nationalism to leave their homes to be part of the military for Australia. The Australian troops paved a path of paramount significance to give material and make a safe way to Russia. 

I’m sure our whole class can agree that this field trip was not just a field trip. It was an imperative moment to give our time to further our comprehension in what part Australia played in such a complex event filled with conflict.

Nandini S, 9B

Later this term students, will travel to the Melbourne Holocaust Museum and the Classic Cinema for a day of Holocaust education to round off their semester of history. The importance of these trips, and others, highlight the significance and role that history continues to play in our everyday life!

Mr. James Desmond, Year 9 History


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