Year 11 Camp | Student Highlights

On the 30th of November to the 2nd of December, the Year 11 students embarked on their long awaited journey to the Phillip Island Adventure Resort Camp. It was such a wonderful way to end the school year, as students were able to relax and have loads of fun! Whilst we had an action packed schedule, we would like to share some highlights of our final school camp. 

Students had the opportunity to partake in a range of activities. Whether it were team building activities such as the Team Rescue or the Initiatives Course, to water activities such as Canoeing or Raft Making, or even mid-air antics like the Giant Swing (an old time favourite) and even racing your friends on the Twin Flying Fox; activities we immersed ourselves in, having a blast throughout the way. Mr. Crowe himself could be seen participating in many activities, joining students with good humour. Some of us challenged ourselves to new experiences not encountered before. This could have been in High Ropes where getting through certain sections definitely required more strength than others, or even in Surfing as we tried to balance ourselves on the surfboard against the early morning waves.

Up in the air, Ms. Ruth could be spotted precariously making her way through the High Ropes course. Go Ms. Ruth for being such an icon powering through the course so quickly!! Yet either way, we had an amazing time and can basically call ourselves pros in these activities. Not all of the camp was as physically demanding, as we loved the long walks down to Smiths Beach where some of us looked for seashells, enjoyed the cool sea water or even just relaxing with friends in the sunshine. It was even better spending time with friends cooling off in the swimming pool, where some of us chose to swim, just relax or even through water fights whilst we had the chance!

Whilst the day was filled with amazing memories, it doesn’t mean that our nights weren’t just as memorable. A huge highlight of our camp and definitely a must visit in Phillip Island, was the spotting of the penguins in the Penguin Parade! We were able to get up close with the little swimmers as they made their way up the beach for the night. They were so cute and adorable and were definitely worth the wait, this Little Penguin colony might be something that we will miss the most. Whilst we loved our first night, the second night did not disappoint. Trivia Night was definitely a huge shocker in what we thought we knew about our teachers. Who knew that Ms. Pride had been on a bike ride with Arnold Schwarzenegger himself? Or that Sawaki Sensei and Mori Sensei went to the same school! Or even Ms. Toohey getting a call back from Australia’s Got Talent! The night was filled with some of the funniest costumes, amazing student performances and ending off with a bang with a groovy disco night. 

As the final day rolled by we knew that we would miss this camp, but that we would carry all the memories we made together forever. It was even better stopping by Cowes for lunch then hurrying off for a sweet treat (gelato, anyone?). And so, we would like to share our appreciation for the staff for making our camp one of the best memories during our time at Mac.Rob. For the good vibes making us laugh or smile in every activity, or even for the competitive Gaga games (which we definitely didn’t try in targeting you out in every single game). We would like to share a massive thank you to Ms. Ruth and Mr. Crowe for organising one of the best camps we’ve ever had, whilst it is our last school camp, it will definitely be cherished by all.

Amanda C & Linh T, Year 11


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