Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh | Qualifying Journey

Earlier in the Term, eleven Year 10 students participated in their Qualifying Journey as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. The Journey took place in Wilsons Promontory National Park over three days and two nights. Students participated in a range of activities including hiking, Map and navigation, Camp craft and many others. Please see below a reflection written by three students: Mary, Ramya, and Katie.

Talia Hobbs, Duke of Ed Coordinator

And we’re back! But this time, at The Prom! Just prior to the long weekend, the Yr 10 Duke of Edinburgh class set out for our Qualifying Journey; the second camp for the year at the extraordinary Wilsons Promontory. Once again, we faced many challenges along the way whether it be the tumultuous weather, endearing hikes or no reception! However, such obstacles only made a much more memorable trip to experience. Upon arrival, we were surrounded by remarkable wildlife amongst the beautiful nature. As we began setting up tents and unpacking our bags, we befriended other camping groups, from neighbouring school. Over the course of our journey, we completed three main hikes, opening our eyes to the incomparable environment surrounding us. Our hikes led to the exploration of a multitude of differing landscapes and topography, separate from the metropolitan area accustomed to us. Trekking along to Squeaky beach, as the wind blew in our hair, wide smiles spread across our faces. We ran into the waves and drew out messages in the sand, vividly embracing the moment. As much as we enjoyed the fitness component of our camp, when in the presence of each other, the most indelible moments occurred. Forging memories over cooking dinner, late night chats and singing on the bus, constituted to what made camp simply unforgettable.

Mary M, Ramya R and Katie Y


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