VCE Indonesian: Melbourne Zoo Excursion

The day was cloudy, but there were no raindrops when we visited Melbourne Zoo on Tuesday, May 14th. Indonesian students from Year 11 and 12 had the opportunity to encounter a variety of animals. The purpose of our visit was to address environmental issues, particularly the threat of animals facing extinction if not properly cared for.

In the past, tigers could be found on the islands of Bali and Java, but they are now considered extinct in those areas. In Indonesia, only the Sumatran tiger remains. Similarly, the Orang-Utan population has drastically declined due to logging and palm oil plantation concerns. Fortunately, there are rehabilitation centres that protect these animals, and their numbers are increasing again.

The visit to Melbourne Zoo aims to raise awareness about the issues surrounding animal conservation and the importance of protecting these animals so that future generations can also enjoy observing these magnificent creatures. As Indonesians, we always celebrate any occasion with a meal. After our Zoo visit, we headed to the Kantin restaurant on Lygon Street to savour their delicious 'Iga bakar' (grilled ribs) and cuisine from Manado, which is close to Sulawesi island.

Ms. Sue Sumarno | VCE Indonesian Teacher

In Melbourne, where cultures mix nurturing knowledge with a joyful fix.
Delight filled the air, as we explored.
Overjoyed by the wonders, the trip had in store
Exotic and rare.
Savoring my linguistic nuances with eager care.
I was immersed in the ecosystem’s wondrous sight.
A day of learning, fun and cheer.
New memories made, we’ll hold dear.

- Student Poem

“It was an incredible fun excursion that I enjoyed immensely. I loved seeing all the animals at a place that I had not been to for so long. A highlight of the day would definitely be ordering in Indonesian at ‘Kantin’. Overall, it was an awesome experience that I will always remember.” - Sam (Year 10H)

“The Zoo was so fire! The animals were so cute and it was super nostalgic to be there again. The restaurant we went to was so buss. 10/10! I will definitely remember going to the zoo with Ibu.” - Karin (10I)

“Although we did not get free entry, I loved the zoo. I love animals more than myself, especially the meerkats and the giraffe. I regret buying the really expensive meal but it was so good. Overall, I love the experience and hopefully we’ll have the opportunity to go again.” - Audrey Kwek (10I)

“I enjoyed going to the zoo for the Indonesian excursion! We encountered many different animals and shared stories with each other along the way. My favourite part was seeing the butterflies! We ate delicious Indonesian food at a restaurant called ‘Kantin’. It was not only a fun experience but a chance to bond with my classmates too.” - Charmaine (12F)

“Going to the zoo was truly an adventure. Seeing all the different animals and guessing the Indonesian names was very fun. Seeing all of them really made my term. It was especially good when we ate at ‘Kantin’ afterwards. The ‘Iga Bakar’ was incredibly tasty!”


Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition 2024
