Portrait Gallery Induction 2023

Friends, families, and the wider community of Mac.Rob are warmly invited to join us for the 2023 induction ceremony of the Portrait Gallery, which honours outstanding Mac.Rob alumni.

Mac.Rob's Portrait Gallery is a growing collection of past students who have excelled in their field. This initiative was introduced in 2008 to honour our alumnae and inspire our students - to allow them to demonstrate that they can and will have the big lives they aspire to. Members of the Mac.Rob community - including students, families, and staff - are warmly invited to attend this induction of new portraits to the gallery, and to meet with inductees, Foundation members, and representatives of Mac.Rob's alumni association, the Palladians.


When: Thursday, June 8th, 2023
Where: Mac.Rob Hall, Mac.Robertson Girl's High School

Tickets are complimentary, but RSVP is essential. Refreshments and canapés are provided.

COVID Safety Information: Our community is made up of a diverse range of people, including those with underlying health conditions. All members of Mac.Rob and the MHS community are entitled to enjoy our school events without fear for their personal health and safety. While current health settings may permit a range of activities, please consider the wellbeing of others when attending this event:

  • This is an indoor event. Capacity for this event is limited; bookings are essential, and entry will not be granted without a booking.

  • HEPA filters may be in operation during this event.

  • We recommend attendees wear a high-quality, well-fitted face mask (i.e. an N95 mask) while indoors.

  • Stay home if you are unwell, have been in contact with a COVID-positive person, or have a COVID-positive family member isolating in your home.

By showing care and consideration for one another, you can help keep our community of students, staff, and families safe and healthy.


Humanities ABC Q+A Excursion


Principal’s Update | April, 2023