Mac.Rob’s New Values

School values provide us with a shared way of looking at the world as a community, and taking small steps to demonstrate them, helps us improve our community, our relationships, and the world around us.

The process of developing our new school values began in 2020 and continued throughout this year. Despite the obvious challenges over this time, including lockdowns, we consider this a momentous achievement for our school community.

In Term 1, we arrived at a long-list of values following many voluntary workshops with staff, and students from all year levels. These workshops explored in detail what it means to be a Mac.Robbian. This long list of values included all of the words and values that were consistently featured in the staff and student workshop discussions about Mac.Rob as a community. 

By Term 2, we’d developed a ‘short list’ of values with explanations behind their intent, which were finally approved by students, staff, and our school council.

We are excited to announce our new Mac.Rob school values to you all! Our 4 school values are:

  • COMMUNITY: We are an inclusive community built on positive relationships and a strong sense of belonging. We value diversity and appreciate those around us for their similarities and differences. We are internationally-minded and value our place in our local and global context. 

  • GROWTH: We seek challenges in order to grow, and are resilient in the face of adversity. We are curious, collaborative and passionate about learning. We celebrate success and aspire to be our best selves in all aspects of life. 

  • RESPONSIBILITY: We are agents in our own learning, and we foster leadership through action. We take responsibility for ourselves and each other, and we contribute to school life and our broader communities.

  • COMPASSION: We are interested in the lives and perspectives of others. We value every member of our school and wider communities. We treat people with respect, and offer support to those who need it.

We asked students and staff at Mac.Rob what these values mean to them, and ways that they think we can demonstrate them in our day-to-day school lives, and our lives beyond the classroom. You can hear what they had to say in the video above.

These are just a few of the ways we think you can demonstrate our new school values, but we want all of us to strive to embody this in ways that are unique to us. Over the next 12 months, we’ll be looking at ways we can continue to demonstrate and embed these values into everything we do at Mac.Rob, and we can’t wait for you all to be part of this ongoing commitment.

We believe these new school values will help us continue to shape what it means to be a Mac.Robbian, now and in the future.

Alexa & Krish, School Captains


Brain Bee Challenge 2021


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