Mac.Rob Goes Global for Young Leaders Forum

What would you say if we told you that over three days, a group of Year 9s time travelled, formed a revolution and discovered, basically, how to save the world? A few weeks ago, a group of 20 enthusiastic Mac.Rob students had the opportunity to participate in the Asia Education Foundation’s Victorian Young Leaders: Global Youth Forum, collaborating with over 100 schools in Victoria, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and India, via Zoom. The program was designed to inspire and educate young people to develop their capacity to be active  global citizens. 

The forum began with Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation’s Aunty Georgina providing a Welcome to Country. This was followed by various young guest speakers from diverse backgrounds who inspired us to take initiative, both individually and as a community to make a difference, no matter our age.

These speakers provided a preview to the conversations we’d be having over the next couple days, exploring concepts such as belonging, stereotypes, globalisation and culture. We had the privilege of talking to students in Indonesia, Malaysia, India and China, all of whom had different perspectives that we were all new to, yet also found relatable, allowing us to extend our global awareness. We were especially surprised by the Chinese students’ 16 hour school days and strict self-discipline, as well as the commitment from the Indian students who spoke with us, despite having to join the zoom at 5am IST. 

Finally, all our brainstorming and conversations came together in the form of a prototype. Collaborating in our school group and using our design thinking skills, we developed a solution for the lack of teachers in rural/regional areas compared to urban areas. Our idea was to create a more accessible visa for international teachers, provided they are willing to work in regional schools, and encourage more university students who are considering a teaching pathway to complete their placement in those areas. We presented this idea in the form of a video advertisement, which received many laughs and positive feedback from other students, accompanied by an oral explanation.

Overall, we are grateful to have participated in the Global Youth Forum as it allowed us to explore intricate topics, collaborate with new people both at Mac.Rob and around the world, as well as prove to ourselves that we have the power to make actual change. 

Charlize Y, Riya D & Soleil P


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