Interact Club: The Alba Visit - Term 2, 2024

Interact Club’s Enriching Visit to Alba Elders Retirement Home

On Monday, May 20th, the Interact Club had their second visit to the Alba Elders Retirement Home, marking their second in a series of planned visits throughout 2024. These visits are aimed at fostering connections between generations and offering our students a unique opportunity to learn from the wealth of experience possessed by the residents.

During this visit, our students engaged in meaningful conversations with several remarkable residents, each with a unique and inspiring story to tell. Among those who made a lasting impression were:

1. An Alumnus of Mac.Rob

One of the residents our students had the chance to meet was a distinguished alumnus of Mac.Rob, who graduated in 1972. Following her education, she pursued a career in teaching before venturing into entrepreneurship. She established a successful company specialising in the manufacturing of aircraft spare parts. Her journey from education to business provided students with a compelling example of versatility and innovation.

2. A Dedicated Nurse

Another inspiring resident was a nurse who dedicated a significant portion of her career to working with the Indigenous community in the Northern Territory. She shared incredible stories about her experiences, emphasizing the importance of cultural sensitivity and the fulfillment that comes from serving underserved communities. Her tales of resilience and compassion deeply moved our students.

3. A Well-Travelled Engineer

The students also met an engineer who has travelled extensively across various countries. His experiences abroad offered a global perspective, showcasing the opportunities and challenges of working in diverse environments. His stories highlighted the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in the ever-evolving field of engineering.

4. A Culinary Educator

Among the residents was a lecturer from William Angliss Institute, who went on to establish her own culinary school. Her passion for culinary arts and education resonated with the students, particularly those interested in hospitality and entrepreneurship. Her journey underscored the importance of following one’s passion and the impact of education on career success.

5. A Teacher with a Historical Connection

The visit also included a conversation with a teacher whose father was the principal of Melbourne High School. This connection to a historic educational institution provided a fascinating glimpse into the past and its influence on contemporary education. The stories shared were not only nostalgic but also filled with valuable insights into the evolution of the educational landscape.

These interactions were not only enlightening but also immensely inspiring for our students. They provided a treasure trove of life lessons and underscored the value of intergenerational dialogue. The wisdom and experiences shared by the residents of Alba Elders Retirement Home enriched the students' perspectives and left a lasting impact on their outlook towards life and career.

The Interact Club is committed to making these visits a regular part of our community engagement, ensuring that the learning and sharing of experiences continue to benefit both our students and the residents.

Stay tuned for more updates on our future visits and the incredible stories we uncover!

Ms. Rehana Ziyad | Community Partnerships Manager




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